

Leading by example and being the change

Every cause and accomplishment for our College begins and ends with the people in our community. 对多样性的呼吁, 股本 and inclusion came directly from our students, and they answered that call with action. Find out what they have done and continue doing, 还有立博在线体育的校友和教职员工, to remake North Central into the most welcoming place it can be.

Black Student Open Forum and Working Group

2019年4月, 在2018-2019学年期间,立博在线体育校园内外发生了几起针对黑人学生的特别恶劣的种族主义行为, 立博在线体育黑人学生协会(BSA)举办了一个论坛,旨在表达 学生 的担忧,并让更广泛的校园社区了解校园黑人学生面临的情况. The forum was well-attended by students, 还有几位教职员工, 工作人员, 行政部门也出席了.

During the forum students presented a list of demands to the College. 在接下来的日子里, 金伯利Sluis, vice president for Student Affairs and Strategic Initiatives; Dorothy Pleas, director of 多元文化事务 (since promoted to assistant dean); and Jim Godo, 对外事务副总裁和总统特别助理开始定期与BSA的代表会面,以解决这些要求. The students representing BSA included Milia Harris ’20, 明克·理查森,20届职员, 约书亚·西蒙斯20岁, Keley维拉诺瓦 22, 还有 伊扎雅·韦伯,20岁. 这项工作在2019-2020学年继续进行,其中包括亚历克西斯·里斯(Alexis Reese) 20岁的其他几名学生, who served as co-president of BSA in 2019-2020. 这些学生与 工作人员和管理人员 一起工作,非正式地称为 BSA工作组 ,以完成以下工作: 

  • 实现所需的多样性, 股本, and inclusion online training module for all new and continuing students.  
  • Implement a required implicit bias online training module for all faculty and 工作人员.  
  • Include a diversity, 股本, and inclusion workshop in the First Year Seminar/CARD 101 course.  
  • 制定一个透明的流程,与校园社区分享偏见事件数据 (注:偏见事件响应小组和偏见教育小组成立于2016年, but a way of sharing the data on reports and follow up had not yet been established).  
  • Implement a new music policy for athletics and athletic facilities.  
  • Advocate for additional 工作人员 to support BIPOC students at 中北书院, resulting in the change of scope of Dr. Rebecca Gordon’s role to include leadership for college-wide diversity, 股本, and inclusion efforts; the promotion of Dorothy Pleas into an assistant dean role in Student Affairs; and the increase of the number of assistant directors in the Office of 多元文化事务.

Proposal from Everybody Comes In student organization

(以下是斯蒂芬·梅纳德·卡利恩多和多萝西·普雷斯代表总统多元化特别工作组发给中北部大学校长委员会的备忘录, 股本, 和包容.)

多样性, 公平与包容工作组和学生管理协会收到了一份“欢迎校园提案”,来自一群自称“人人进来”(ECI)的学生。, 在收到并审查该提案后,提出了学院支持无证学生的行动, the Student Governing Association passed a resolution … and asked the 多样性, 公平和包容工作组考虑扩大对无证学生的倡议和支持. 

The proposal submitted by ECI asks that the College designate itself a “Welcoming Campus.根据ECI的说法, a welcoming campus is “a movement made up of schools, 学区和高等教育机构呼吁采取保护措施,确保所有学生都有一个安全的环境, 重申受教育的宪法权利,保护无证移民和其他弱势群体的权利.”  

 因为工作队的任务是“确定立博在线体育社区中代表性不足的成员的需求,并就将持续进行的倡议提出建议,其明确意图是在多样性问题上影响永久的文化变革。, 股本 and inclusion” and “review existing diversity, 股本 and inclusion initiatives throughout campus, including strategies and tactics within the 战略计划, 重访所有时间线, 吸收新想法, and reprioritize all activities and timelines accordingly,” we have reviewed the proposal carefully, 详细讨论了它的内容, and are making the following recommendations to President’s Council. 

 重要的是要注意,有一些现有的倡议,以支持无证学生已经在立博在线体育进行. The following is a list of many of those initiatives. The DEI Task Force recommendations acknowledge and build on this existing work and infrastructure.  

  • Webpage for Admission and Financial 援助 detailing College resources for undocumented applicants 
  • “额外经济援助申请”适用于不能完成FAFSA且没有F-1的学生, H-4, 或J-1签证 
  • 由财政援助和多元文化事务办公室提供的关于伊利诺伊州RISE法案的信息, that provides alternative financial aid measures for undocumented students and transgender students 
  • Webpage of Undocumented Student 资源 that outlines local resources for community members 
  • 支持北伊利诺伊大学和圣何塞大学无证学生和无证学生支持人员的当地社区组织的演讲活动. 弗朗西斯 
  • 工作人员参加伊利诺伊州大学入学咨询协会(IACAC)年度“分享梦想”会议,分享支持无证学生的最佳实践和资源 
  • 包容 of 中北书院 in IACAC College Advising Guide for Undocumented students 

专责小组建议在“通往辉煌未来之路:中北书院策略计划”中加入以下策略,” in order to further the College’s efforts to welcome and support undocumented students: 

 策略: Enhance the recruitment and retention of diverse students, faculty, and 工作人员. 

  • 策略:在外部互联网和内部内部网上建立一个登陆页面,详细说明学院的承诺和可用于支持无证社区成员的资源. 


 策略: Work toward a campus community that is welcoming and supportive of diversity and inclusion, 不受歧视, and models civil dialogue on social issues. 

  • 策略: 开发 training on immigrant rights and undocumented allyship for faculty, 教职员及学生 to be administered at least once per semester.  

建议截止日期:2021年1月1日 =

  • 策略:为教师制定和传播与校园执法机构/移民当局互动的响应协议和个人权利, 教职员及学生. 


  • 策略: 开发, 实施和评估专业发展机会,扩大包容性教学实践,丰富文化能力,以支持校园中历史上服务不足的人群. 

负责人:Jennifer Keys 


  • 策略: Conduct a thorough, college-wide audit of existing 股本, diversity, and inclusion initiatives. 



几十年来,抗议种族不公正的游行在立博在线体育的历史上发挥了关键作用. They have been a vital means of expression for our students to stand against prejudice and division. Research is currently being conducted into this important dimension of our College’s history, and a detailed record will be part of this page in the near future. To find out more information about our history of campus marches, contact Coordinator of Archives Dr. 丽贝卡·斯科文 rmskirvin@noctrl.edu.


学院感谢学生和校友们持续不断的积极行动,他们继续让立博在线体育关注黑人学生的经历,并支持立博在线体育努力创造一个更加多元化的大学, 公平的, 和包容性的立博在线体育. 特别是, a 2019 BSA campus forum and BSA Demands, 2020年夏季校友请愿书, 从校园倾听会上收集到的反馈是立博在线体育最近校园反种族主义工作路线图中不可或缺的一部分. 


学生 walking on path towards Wentz Science Center

多样性, 股本 和包容 at North Central

中北书院 strives to grow in diversity, 股本 and inclusion through the work of our faculty and 工作人员, the openness and honesty of our students, 校友的支持, and the continuing commitment of the entire North Central community. 与立博在线体育一起分享立博在线体育的旅程,发现立博在线体育如何努力改变,成为一所真正的目的地大学.
